Google Cloud Run

Sudha Subramaniam
3 min readSep 25, 2023



I intend to document and share my Google Cloud Run learning experiences, which form a crucial part of my certification preparation journey.

Google Cloud Run is a fully managed serverless container platform and is built on top of the Knative platform. Cloud Run automatically manages the infrastructure, scaling, and load balancing for containerized applications. It scales up or down in response to incoming requests, ensuring efficient resource utilization. Cloud Run is designed for stateless and event-driven applications. It is suitable for web applications, APIs, microservices, and any stateless service that can be packaged as a Docker container. It's not is not suitable for long-running tasks or background processing.

Knative is an open-source platform for building, deploying, and managing serverless container-based applications

Equivalent services in AWS -AWS Fargate ,AWS Lambda as per documentation

As part of the demo we are going to perform below tasks

  • Enable the Cloud Run API
  • Create a simple application that can be deployed as a serverless, stateless container.
  • Containerize the application and upload to Container/Artifact Registry
  • Deploy a containerized application on Cloud Run

Enable the Cloud Run API

open cloud shell and use gcloud command to enable cloud run API

gcloud services enable

When executing above command ,if requested to authorize the use of your credentials, please proceed. If you are not logged in, Google will redirect you to an OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint URL, such as When a user clicks on this URL, they are taken to Google’s authentication and consent page. If the user grants access, an authorization code is generated and sent back to the specified redirect URI (in this case, the Google Cloud SDK URL). This code can subsequently be exchanged for an access token and a refresh token, enabling access to the requested Google services on the user’s behalf.

Create simple application

its a simple node js application with below docker file




Containerize the application using cloud build and upload to Container/Artifact Registry

Build mage using gcloud builds — which builds image using given docker file and uploads to Arificate registry

gcloud builds submit — tag$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/nodsjsexample

gcloud container images list


Deploy to Cloud Run

gcloud run deploy — image$GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT/nodejsexample — allow-unauthenticated — region=$LOCATION

Service name (nodejsexample):

When prompted confirm the service name by pressing Enter.

Wait a few moments until the deployment is complete

then verify the app endpoints

Generated Yaml file for the above service

