Running a local Kubernetes cluster and setting up Tekton pipeline

In this post I intend to explain how to set up Kubernetes on your local windows machine and then how to set up tekton pipeline for CI/ we can play around with it easily
Docker Desktop is the easiest way to run Kubernetes on our local machine — it gives us a fully certified Kubernetes cluster and manages all the components for us and it is an application for Mac, Linux, or Windows environment that enables us to build and share containerized applications.
If you have docker desktop installed in your machine then Installing kunbernates is simple.
- Docker desktop
Verify the docker installation by using below command and check Docker desktop app is installed
docker version

we are going to perform below tasks as part this post
Installing kubernates
Installing kubectl
Install Kubernetes Dashboard
Containerize simple Application
Deploy the Application to Kubernetes
tekton cli installation
tekton pipeline installation
tekton dashboard installation
create tekon pipeline
Installing Kubernetes
Open Docker desktop and Go to settings then select Kubernetes check Enable Kubernetes →Apply and restart. please allow sometime for the installation to complete and then we will try to install kubectl

Installing kubectl
The Kubernetes command-line interface tool, allows us to run commands against Kubernetes clusters. we can use kubectl to deploy applications, inspect and manage cluster resources, and view logs
Now we can install kubectl using below link
after installing verify the installation by using below command
kubectl version

Server version refers to the version of Kubernetes API server.
Client version refers to the version of kubectl CLI.
Install Kubernetes Dashboard
Kubernates dashboard provides GUI to manage/view pods,nodes, deployments,etc., To install dashboard we can follow below steps
kubectl apply -f
or we can download yaml and run as below
kubectl apply -f C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\kubernates_dashboard.yaml
kubernates dashboard yaml can be found in the repo

then run the command kubectl proxy to view dashboard

Below is the url to access the dashboard

Access the dashboard
The dashboard can be accessed with tokens in two ways: the first is by using the default token created during Kubernetes installation, and the second method is by creating users, giving them permissions, and then receiving the generated token.
Token can be Static Token, Service Account Token, OpenID Connect Token. With kubectl, we can get an service account (eg. deployment controller) created in kubernetes by default.
run below commands to get token
kubectl -n kube-system get secret
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret deployment-controller-token-frsqa
copy the token displayed and use the same to login to dashboard and below is the dashboard workload view

Containerize the Application
There are multiple ways to containerize the app as it’s a spring boot application we can use plugin to create an image
gradlew bootBuildImage
then we can run container locally using below command to verify app is running before deploying in kubernates
docker run -p 8080:8080 demo:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT

We can push this image to docker hub
docker login — username sudhaxxxxxxx
docker push springsudha/testapp
Deploy the Application to Kubernetes
Kubernetes is a popular container orchestration framework. It enables us to scale and manage large clusters of container.
To deploy application in kubernates we need to create deployment , Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets and Service is used to expose groups of Pods over a network.
kubectl create namespace spring-kube
kubectl config set-context — current — namespace=spring-kube

kubectl create deployment testdeploy1 — image=geshadock/springguides_demo — dry-run=client -o=yaml > deployment_ns.yaml
kubectl create service clusterip testdeploy1 — tcp=8080:8080 — dry-run=client -o=yaml >> service.yaml
kubectl apply -f deployment_ns.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
repo contains same set of yaml files
Health of the deployed application

Tekton cli installation
Tekton is an open-source framework for building and running CI/CD pipelines as code. let us first install tekton cli.
The reason for installing tekton cli is to install tekton pipeline using cli and to interact with tekton components, I have downloaded exe file and installed from below link
Tekon pipeline installation
Below command is used to install tekton pipeline
kubectl apply — filename
Monitor the installation
kubectl get pods — namespace tekton-pipelines — watch
verify the installation using tkn version command

Tekton dashboard installation
run the bellow command to install tekton dashboard
E:\kubernets\pipeline>kubectl apply — filename
kubectl port-forward -n tekton-pipelines service/tekton-dashboard 9097:9097
We can access tekton dashboaed using http://localhost:9097/#/namespaces/spring-kube/pipelines

Creating pipeline
Let us create simple clone task and invoked by below pipeline
kubectl apply -f clone_task.yaml -n spring-kube
output of above command - created
kubectl apply -f pipeline.yaml -n spring-kube
output of above command configured
kubectl apply -f pipelinerun.yaml -n spring-kube
output of above command created
repo contains sample task and pipeline yaml files


Pipeline run log:

Rerunning the pipeline can be done using below option

kubectl get pipelines
kubectl get pipelinerun
kubectl get pipelinerun git-clone-checking-out-a-branch